Radionice škole stranih jezika Boutique Lingua pomoći će vam da u srpnju naučite izraze korisne za rješavanje nesuglasica i izražavanje neslaganja. U ovoj radionici naučit ćete izraze za izražavanje neslaganja, ali i izraze koji vam mogu pomoći da pronađete zajednički jezik sa sugovornikom ili sugovornicom.
Neslaganje možemo izraziti izrazima poput I’m not so sure about…, I wouldn’t (exactly) say…, I have to disagree with you, ili, ako se snažno ne slažemo, Are you serious? How can you say that? I don’t agree! I totally disagree! Absolutely not!
Ako se s nekim djelomično ne slažemo, koristit ćemo izraze poput It’s true but…, I see your point, but…, But even if that is the case…, I agree up to a point, but…, That’s partly true, but…
Takav razgovor može glastiti ovako:
- I think we should continue working from home.
- I totally disagree! I am having a hard time concentrating, I have to take care of my children and work at the same time.
- I agree up to a point, but I think we can get more done this way.
- What do you mean?
- I can get up earlier and not lose time on getting ready or commuting. I can use that time to prepare lunch, for example.
- That’s partly true, but I think I work more this way. I’ll explain. I often end up answering emails even after my working hours, or I work longer hours because I have to prepare a meal for my children.
- I see your point. It obviously depends on how much you have to do at home.
Idući utorak ponovite izraze za rješavanje nesuglasica i izražavanje neslaganja i riješite kviz!